
Ann Grimshaw’s Zion, Nephi, Utah: December 1856 to March 1873

This is a comprehensive history of Ann Grimshaw, born May 20, 1806 in Manchester, Lancashire, England. She married Benjamin Jackson on July 19, 2024 in Manchester, Lancashire, England. Together they were blessed with nine children. The history was written by Mary Margaret Jones Hawkins in June 2022.

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Samuel Jackson, Sr. and the Eurydice Mining Company

Several years ago, during a visit to the Samuel Jackson, Sr. home in Manassa, Colorado, I had the privilege of receiving 22 historical documents. Most of these records pertain to Samuel Jackson, Sr. and his connection to the Eurydice Mining Company.

The documents primarily consist of correspondence between the mining company and Samuel. These letters provide fascinating insight into his role, instructing him to transport essential supplies such as lumber, flour, and other goods to the mine. Additionally, he was tasked with hauling ore from the mine to the La Jara train depot for shipment to Denver.

To preserve and share this valuable slice of history, I have transcribed the documents and compiled background information on the Eurydice Mining Company. If you come across any inaccuracies in my transcriptions or have suggestions for improvement, I would greatly appreciate your input. Collaboration can help us better understand and honor this remarkable story.

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The Sailing Ship Emerald Isle

I was recently contacted by my cousin, Mary Margaret Hawkins, who discovered a picture of an oil painting of the sailing ship Emerald Isle. Timothy Gilbert, father of Mary Georgena Jackson, and other members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints sailed on the Emerald Isle from England to the New York City in 1855.  The Emerald Isle was the last of 21 ships carrying over 3,000 saints in 1855.  More on Timothy’s journey can be found in Mary Margaret Hawkin’s The World of Timothy Gilbert (see pages 19-27).  Mary has spent years trying to find a picture of the Emerald Isle.  Below is a fasinating account of how she found the paining:
“I had been searching all over for a picture of the ship and found it at last by a direct tender mercy from the Lord.  One day in Rexburg, where we were living, I was (just happened to be at the right time) at a framing shop and overheard the framer talking to another customer who was explaining how he had acquired a huge painting of a ship.  He was interested in all things about LDS history, and had an agent who frequented antique shops back east who would try to locate things for him which related to LDS Church history.  The agent had found this painting of the Emerald Isle.  On the original you can see the name painted on the ship. It is a genuine, original painting. The ship was important because it carried so many companies of immigrating Saints to the United States.  (Timothy Gilbert sailed on the Emerald Isle.)  He had instructed his agent to buy the painting for him and was now having it framed to hang his business office.  Not long after he had made the purchase, the Church had contacted him because THEY wanted the painting for their collection because of its historical importance in Church History.  At the time, he still owned it; I don’t know if he ever gave in to the Church request.  He had had the picture scanned and shared the scan with me.”

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San Luis Colorado Stake Presidency Christmas Card 1933

I recently discovered this Christmas card from the San Luis, Colorado Stake Presidency in 1933.  The Stake Presidency consists of John B. Reed, William Jackson, David E. Shawcroft and James A. Holman (Stake Clerk).  Here is a link to a PDF version: San Luis Stake Presidency Christmas Card 1933.

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Zachariah Jaques (1818-1851) by Jeanette Hurst

Jeanette Hurst has recently completed a biography of Zachariah Jaques entitied Zachariah Jaques (1818-1851). Jeanette has spent about ten years researching the life of Zachariah, and this is the culmination of her work. To my knowledge this is the most thorough account of Zachariah Jaques’ life available.

Zachariah was born on March 22, 1818 in Baddesley Ensor, Warwickshire, England. He married Sarah Clewer on November 28, 1841 in Foleshill, Warwickshire, England. They were blessed with five children, including Hannah Marie Jacques who would later marry Samuel Jackson. Zachariah died in July 1851 in Saint Louis, Missouri of cholera.



The Descendants of Timothy and Johanne Gilbert, Compiled by Minnie Gilbert

For many years genealogist have relied on The Descendants of Timothy and Johanne Gilbert for their genealogy research.  It is a monumental work by Minnie Gilbert Heath, granddaughter of Timothy and Johanne, that consists of 922 pages of genealogy, pictures, letters and more.   Mary Gilbert Jackson, wife of William Jackson, is a daughter or Timothy and Johanne.  With the help of my wife, Marcia, I have digitized this work to make it more widely available. There are seven sections. Sections 1 – 6 are grouped in the first document and comprise 304 pages. Section 7 makes up the second document and is 618 pages.  These documents are also available in the “Histories” section.

Seciton 1 – Timothy Gilbert History

Section 2 – Johanne Margrethe Stoutz Gilbert History

Section 3 – Anne Johanne Gilbert and Nephi Christensen Histories

Section 4 – Mary Georgine Gilbert and William Jackson Histories

Section 5 – John Timothy Gilbert and Effie Henrietta Holcomb Histories

Section 6 – Picture pedigree charts with regular charts for children and grandchildren of Timothy and Johanne Gilbert

Section 7 – Picture family group charts for all married descendants (with their grandchildren) of Timothy and Johanne Gilbert regular family charts on reverse side.

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Sailing Ship Horizon


Ann Grimshaw Jackson and five of her children ranging in ages from 10 to 21 boarded the sailing ship Horizon on May 25, 1856, along with 850 other Latter-Day Saints, for a 37 day trip from Liverpool, England to Boston, Massachusetts, disembarking on June 30.  The children were Elizabeth (24), Martha (21), Joseph (16),  Samuel (12) and Nephi (10).  They left Florence, Nebraska on August 27 pulling handcarts 1,300 miles with the Martin Handcart Company arriving in the Salt Lake Valley on Sunday, November 30.  This is a picture of their names in the passengers list. I think it was amazing the Ann made this trip at age 50! A great site to learn more about early Mormon pioneers is www.mormonmigration.org. That’s where I found this image.



Samuel Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Colonial State Bank of Manassa, Colorado

Samuel Jackson, Sr.’s history indicates that he was Vice President of the Colonial State Bank of Manassa, CO. This is confirmed on pages 161-162 of the Twelfth Annual Report of the State Bank Commissioner of Colorado, from January 1 1918, to January 1, 1919. Christen Jenson was President and A. Van Fradenburg was Cashier. The Directors were Jose C. Cantu, Samuel Jackson, Christen Jensen, A. E. Upton and G. A. Van Fradenburg. As of November 1, 1918 the bank had $75,650.95 in total assets.



Samuel Jackson, Sr.’s Mission to the Southern States

The following is an excerpt from Samuel Jackson: Mission to Southern States (1881-1883) by Jeanette Hurst. “Sometime in the late spring or early summer of 1881 thirty-six year old Samuel Jackson received a call from President John Taylor to serve in the Southern States Mission. Samuel was a farmer living in Nephi, Utah and the father of five children ranging in age from 11 to one year. He and his wife, Hannah, also cared for his elderly father, Benjamin, who lived with the family. The call was not unexpected but Samuel was not home to receive it. He had been called away by other responsibilities. His wife Hannah opened the letter, read it and then penned the following response:

Nephi City June 28th
President Taylor
Dear Brother
I received your letter requesting my husband to be prepared for his mission.
I regret to say he is not at home he is 350 miles west from here but I will
communicate with him immediately. He was obliged to go but left word with
me if word come to let him know. He will have to come home with a team he
cannot be here for that date.
Your Sister in the Gospel
Hannah Jackson

While the letter hints matter-of- factly at the heavy responsibilities born by both Samuel and his young wife, the affirmative response to the call is clear. Three weeks later, Hannah again wrote to President Taylor, explaining that her husband would be ready to leave for his mission as soon as he returned home.

Nephi City July 13
President Taylor
Dear Brother
I have just received an answer from my husband he says he will be home about
the first of August. He says he will be ready to go on his mission when he gets
home. He did not get my letter until the 11th.
Your Sister in the Gospel
Hannah Jackson

About six weeks later, in response to another letter from President Taylor, Samuel himself declared himself ready and willing to depart:

Nephi Juab Co.
August 23rd/81
President John Taylor,
Dear Brother
I received your welcome letter, dated 18th and contents noted. I am ready and will
be in Salt Lake City at the appointed time.
I am your brother in the covenant
Samuel Jackson

Samuel was set apart in Salt Lake City on Saturday, 17 September 1881 along with his brother-in-law, Charles Andrews, and James Jenkins, also of Nephi, Utah. He left for the Southern States Mission, along with Elders Andrews and Jenkins, by train the following Monday morning and on arriving at his destination was assigned to labor in Alabama.”

Below are copies of the original letters.  If anyone knows where a copy of Samuel’s mission journal can be found please let me know.


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Nephi Jackson (1847-1928) Mission Journal

Jeanette Hurst has recently discovered the LDS missionary journal of Nephi Jackson, son of Benjamin and Ann Jackson. Jeanette said the journal “exists in two small leather bound books which have been numbered 3 and 4. No one seems to know the whereabouts of Volumes 1 and 2. Volumes 3 and 4 however, cover most of the mission, from December 28, 1889 to November 10, 1891. Nephi served in the Manchester Conference of the British Mission. He was born in Manchester, Lancashire, England 8 March 1847. He emigrated with his mother, Ann Grimshaw Jackson and four siblings in 1856 and came with them to Utah in the Martin Handcart Company. They settled in Nephi, Utah. Nephi died 13 August 1928. According to the Manuscript History of the British Mission, Nephi arrived in England in October of 1889 and returned home in October of 1891.”

Also included in this post are four entries from the British Mission Manuscript History reports for the years 1889 to 1891 that refer to Nephi. They give some nice context to the journal.


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